Here’s the map heres the meaning for some words First the microverse then the multiverse Infinite upon infinite series of infinite multiverses creates a metaverse series of metaverses creates megaverses (high-hyperverse) Nanda The astral plane Places between universes that contain them Rock of eternity. It’s endless It predates creation and exist in all dimensions Astral planes reflection of the multiverse It has a personification which rivals the spectre The snowflake which generates universes (which contain infinite dimensions) and is 1k dimensional it sees the multiverse as 2d compared to itself 3d (it sees infinite dimensional infinite megaverse as 2d) this is inside the bleed, which is equal to the time stream in level of exitance (outerversal). (Beyond infinite stuff that is part of a 2k stuff that sees series of infinite dimensions,megaverses and other infinities as 2d compared to itself, is the bleed.) the time-stream and the bleed exist outside of space-time And its infin...